Consolidated Transmission Owners Agreement (CTOA)
FERC rejected proposals from PJM and its transmission owners that would have changed regional planning, by moving those rules to the tariff from the operating agreement, while also giving transmission owners more authority over the process.
PJM transmission owners approved transferring filing rights over the RTO’s transmission plan to the grid operator itself through a package of amendments to the Consolidated Transmission Owners Agreement.
The Public Interest and Environmental Organization User Group discussed generation deactivations, filing rights over regional planning and long-term transmission projects with the PJM Board of Managers.
PJM members rejected revisions to the RTO’s tariff that would shift filing rights over the RTEP from the Members Committee to the Board of Managers.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee delayed voting on a proposal to establish a multi-scenario long-term transmission planning process to allow stakeholders to see what action FERC may take on regional planning.
PJM is considering endorsing revisions to its governing documents to transfer filing rights for regional transmission planning from the membership to the board.
The PJM MRC rejected four proposals to rework how the RTO measures and verifies the capacity EE providers can offer into the market.
A group of demand response providers in PJM proposed adding two hours to the availability window that binds when the resource can be deployed by the RTO.
FERC on Tuesday accepted revisions to PJM's Consolidated Transmission Owners Agreement, changing voting rules at the TOA-AC.
FERC rejected challenges to its December decision regarding end-of-life projects in PJM but opened the door for a future challenge.
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