July 3, 2024

Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation (CREPC)

Study: Western RTO Could Yield $1.2B in Yearly Savings
The creation of a Western RTO could save the region more than $1.2 billion annually in electric costs, according to a new study.
West Wrestles with Resource Adequacy, Grid Reliability
The spring joint meeting of the Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation and the Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Body focused on grid reliability and protecting crucial infrastructure.
Western Grid’s Future Debated at CPREC-WIRAB Meeting
The formation of a Western energy market was a contentious topics of discussion at the fall joint meeting of CREPC and WIRAB.
Western Regulators Get Schooled in RTO Legal 101
The West’s utility regulators took a crash course on the legal implications of their utilities joining organized electric markets (RTOs)at the spring 2018 joint CREPC-WIRAB meeting.
Storage Integration a Complex Process, Western Panel Says
Energy storage can provide many benefits to the Western electricity grid, but it will require complex and costly modeling to be integrated properly.

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