Commitment Cost and Default Energy Bid Enhancements (CCDEBE)
FERC approved a $528,000 settlement that ends a dispute between EDF Trading North America and CAISO over fuel cost recovery.
CAISO won FERC approval for its second effort to allow generators to recover the costs of higher natural gas prices.
FERC again rejected CAISO’s proposal to change the way generators register their capabilities with the ISO, denying a plan that could allow participants to exercise market power.
The CAISO Board of Governors approved a controversial proposal on congestion revenue rights and market power mitigation.
Western Energy Imbalance Market leaders endorsed CAISO’s controversial proposal to give generators more bidding flexibility.
CAISO’s Department of Market Monitoring amplified its opposition to a fundamental aspect of the ISO’s plan for commitment cost mitigation.
CAISO's Monitor submitted comments on the ISO’s straw proposal for its Commitment Cost and Default Energy Bid Enhancements (CCDEBE) initiative.
CAISO is refining changes to its market rules meant to better reflect suppliers’ costs of producing electricity while increasing flexibility.
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