combined cycle generators
Stakeholder opinions were sharply divided at the PJM Members Committee’s meeting regarding RTO proposals to allow high capacity factor resources to be sped through the interconnection queue and revise aspects of the capacity market.
The PJM MIC endorsed a problem statement and issue charge to explore multi-schedule modeling of combined cycle generators in the market clearing engine.
The PJM MIC endorsed a proposal to increase the maximum number of bids a single corporate entity can place in the RTO’s financial transmission rights auctions.
A poll by the Market Implementation Committee found little support for two competing proposals on capacity offer opportunities for co-located load.
PJM MIC members last week unanimously endorsed a revised proposal from the RTO and its Independent Market Monitor to address start-up cost offer development.
FERC approved an agreement between Dynegy and its Office of Enforcement to settle allegations that the company misrepresented its plants' ramp rates to PJM.
PJM presented an updated proposal addressing start-up cost offer development to the MIC after being sent back to a subcommittee for more work.
Stakeholders endorsed a joint PJM/Independent Market Monitor proposal addressing fuel-cost policy standards at a Market Implementation Committee meeting.
PJM stakeholders endorsed a proposal to address regulation for virtual combined cycle units, but some were concerned that the work will be too complex.
PJM stakeholders questioned whether proposals addressing compensation for reactive power supply and voltage control service should be delayed.
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