July 5, 2024

Capacity Performance (CP)

PJM Files Capacity Performance Plan
PJM filed its Capacity Performance proposal with FERC, a 1,275-page capacity market overhaul that it hopes will prevent a repeat of last winter.
What You Need to Know about PJM’s Capacity Performance Proposal
PJM’s Board of Managers will file its Capacity Performance proposal this week with FERC to increase the reliability expectations of capacity resources with a “no excuses” policy.
PJM Board Releases Capacity Performance Proposal
PJM’s Board of Managers announced a final Capacity Performance plan that includes a more gradual transition into the new market design and increased benefits for high-performing generators.
PJM Board Taking Extra Time on Capacity Performance Decision
The PJM Board of Managers won’t make its Dec. 1 target for filing the RTO’s Capacity Performance proposal with FERC, CEO Terry Boston told members.
What We Don’t Know Can Hurt You
This is the space where we would have told you what happened at the PJM Board of Managers’ Enhanced Liaison Committee meeting Tuesday.
Operational Challenges May Limit PJM Capacity Performance Goal
Operational challenges and costs may limit the ability of generators to obtain the level of reliability envisioned in PJM’s Capacity Performance proposal.
Coalitions Make Their Cases to PJM Board
Fourteen coalitions representing more than 80 stakeholders submitted briefing papers to the PJM Board of Managers Tuesday on the RTO’s Capacity Performance proposal. Don’t have time to read all 150 pages? No worries. We’ve summarized the groups’ concerns here.
PJM, IMM Post Capacity Performance Cost-Benefit Analysis as Members Form Battle Lines
A cost-benefit analysis released by PJM and the IMM says the RTO's proposed Capacity Performance product would cost ratepayers as much as $6 billion over the next four years.
Revised Capacity Performance Plan Wins Bowring’s Support
PJM’s Oct. 7 revisions to its Capacity Performance proposal appear to have won over Independent Market Monitor Joe Bowring.
Lower Penalties, More Flexibility in Revised PJM Capacity Performance Proposal
Holding firm on their plans to redefine the capacity market, PJM officials Tuesday offered a revised capacity performance proposal that they said is less punitive and restrictive.

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