July 3, 2024

capacity imports/exports

NYISO Operating Committee Briefs: Feb. 15, 2024
NYISO’s Operating Committee voted to approve the results from the Expedited Deliverability Study (EDS) 2023-01 report that included 16 projects, two of which were found to be undeliverable.
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CAISO Launches 20-year Transmission Planning Process
CAISO kicked off an extended 20-year transmission planning process to support the state’s clean energy goals.
CAISO Could See More Outages this Summer
California could experience capacity shortfalls this summer during severe heat because of limited imports and low hydroelectric production, CAISO said.
Wheeling Debate Tests West, CAISO CEO Says
CAISO stakeholders are still wary of the new proposed wheel-through provisions the ISO has submitted to FERC for clarity on the complex issue.
EIM Governing Body Rejects Part of CAISO Summer Plan
The Western EIM Governing Body rejected CAISO’s proposal to head off summer capacity shortfalls by limiting wheel-throughs during times of scarcity.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Feb. 10, 2021
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved revisions to its Installed Capacity and Transmission and Dispatch Operations Manuals.
CAISO Advances Summer Readiness Plan
CAISO introduced a straw proposal that aims to attract supply this summer and head off shortfalls like those that led to rolling blackouts last year.
Western EIM Questions Performance in Shortfalls
The Western EIM Governing Body discussed CAISO’s summer energy shortfalls, pondering how the EIM could better serve participants during system stress.
Summer Readiness Sought by CAISO, CPUC
CAISO briefed stakeholders on the schedule and scope of a series of upcoming sessions to address market enhancements for summer 2021 readiness.
CPUC Tries to Head off Summer Blackouts
The California Public Utilities Commission opened a proceeding to help prevent summer blackouts like those in August and September.

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