March 13, 2025

Capacity Accreditation Reform (CAR)

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NECA Conference Previews the Future of Markets in the Northeast
Managing the often-at-odds priorities of affordability, reliability, and decarbonization will require a delicate balance of innovation, market reforms, and stability, industry experts said at the Northeast Energy and Commerce Association’s Power Markets Conference.
ISO-NE Introduces Proposed Resource Retirement Changes
ISO-NE plans to decouple resource retirements from the capacity auction process and adopt a two-year notification timeline for retiring generators, the RTO told stakeholders at the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
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ISO-NE in 2025: Capacity Reforms, Tx Solicitation and FERC Orders
ISO-NE’s multiyear effort to overhaul its forward capacity market likely will continue to dominate ISO-NE and NEPOOL work in 2025.
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ISO-NE Updates Plans for Capacity Reforms for CCP 19 and Beyond
ISO-NE reiterated its plans not to include in its capacity auction reform project the development of ambient temperature modeling capabilities or a new simultaneous seasonal auction clearing engine.
EMC Enineering Services
ISO-NE Outlines ‘Straw Scope’ of Capacity Market Reforms
ISO-NE responded to stakeholder feedback on its capacity auction reform project at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting, providing clarity on the scope of its capacity market overhaul. 
ISO-NE Capacity Accreditation Reforms Spur Energy Storage Concerns
As ISO-NE undertakes major capacity market accreditation reforms, New England storage developers are voicing concerns that potential flaws in the RTO’s modeling methodology could discourage new investments in storage resources.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Restarts Work on Capacity Market Changes
ISO-NE presented the initial scope of its work to coordinate resource capacity accreditation improvements with proposed capacity market timing changes at the NEPOOL Markets Committee summer meeting.

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