July 3, 2024


Washington Department of Ecology
Wash. Cap-and-invest Supporters Launch Anti-repeal Effort
Bolstered by a nearly $5 million war chest, supporters of Washington’s cap-and-invest system have begun efforts to defeat a campaign that seeks to scrap the carbon allowance program through a referendum this fall. 
Port of Seattle
Calif., Quebec, Wash. to Explore Linking Carbon Markets

Washington could be closer to joining the California-Québec carbon market after the three governments issued a statement saying they will explore linking their cap-and-trade systems.

Shapiro Proposes Cap-and-trade, More Renewables for Pa.

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro announced a new state energy plan he says will ramp up renewable production and save ratepayers $252 million while generating $5.1 billion in clean energy investments.

HF Sinclair
Drop in Wash. Carbon Price Spells Uncertainty for Budget, Gas Costs

Washington’s first quarterly carbon allowance auction of 2024 has thrown two new wrinkles into the economics of the state’s fledgling — and controversial — cap-and-invest program.

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Suit Alleges Job Retaliation over Wash. Cap-and-invest Projections
A former Washington DOT economist is suing the state over allegations he was forced out of his job because his superiors did not like his forecasts showing that gas prices would jump under cap-and-invest.
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Bill to Link Wash. Cap-and-trade with Calif.-Quebec Passes Both Houses
Washington’s Democratic-controlled House of Representatives approved a bill that will allow the state’s cap-and-trade program to link up with the system shared by California and Quebec.
Washington Senate Democrats
Wash. Lawmakers Propose Credits to Defray Cap-and-invest Costs

Washington legislators are proposing to give the state’s utilities $150 million to be rebated back to residents to help them defray costs associated with the state’s cap-and-invest program.

Legislative Support Services
Carbon Market Linkage Bill Passes Wash. Senate
The specter of a November referendum on Washington’s cap-and-invest program hovered over the state Senate when it passed a bill to link the program with the California-Quebec system.
Puget Soundkeeper
Bill to Create Wash. Oil Market Oversight Agency Dies in Committee
A Washington bill that would have created a new agency to monitor the state’s oil industry has died in committee.
Wash. Bill Seeks Increased Monitoring of Petroleum Sector
The bill to create a new agency to monitor activity in Washington's petroleum market details five pages of the kind of information the body would have to collect from oil companies.

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