July 24, 2024

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)

FERC OKs SCE Rate Settlements
FERC approved a settlement reducing Southern California Edison’s 2018 transmission rates and a partial settlement for an ROE increase for wildfire risks.
California Officials Hammer PG&E over Power Shutoffs
California officials hammered PG&E executives during a legislative hearing over the utility’s mishandling of multiple public safety power shutoffs.
CAISO Advances Systemwide Market Power Plan
CAISO is moving ahead with a plan to stem systemwide market power, even though not everyone is convinced the effort is necessary.
Calif. PUC Orders Investigation of Power Shutoffs
The California PUC opened an investigation into the power shutoffs that left millions in the dark several to prevent utility-sparked wildfires.
CAISO Black Start Project Must Divulge Cost Info
FERC accepted an agreement between CAISO and a Calpine plant to provide black start service, but agreed that more cost information was needed.
California PUC Votes to Keep Old Gas Plants Operating
The California PUC voted unanimously to recommend that some older gas-fired plants remain open for up to three years to prevent reliability problems.
LEAPS’ Bid for Tx Status Rebuffed Again
FERC again rejected a bid by developers to obtain transmission status and cost-based rates for a proposed $2 billion pumped storage project in CAISO.
PG&E Says Blackouts Will Continue
PG&E told regulators its public safety power shutoffs could continue for another decade, and is making plans to turn off electricity if and when necessary.
SCE Suspected in Fire, PG&E Says Shutoffs Worked
SoCal Edison came under increasing scrutiny for its possible role in starting the Saddleridge Fire, while PG&E defended its public safety power shutoffs.
PG&E Restores Power amid Backlash
PG&E restored power to 738,000 customers after its public safety power shutoffs prompted a backlash from the public, state regulators and elected officials.

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