July 8, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

Western EIM Reports Record Benefits
CAISO said Monday its Western Energy Imbalance Market has produced more than a half-billion dollars in benefits for participants since its founding five years ago, including more than $100 million in benefits in the third quarter of 2018.
Western Grid’s Future Debated at CPREC-WIRAB Meeting
The formation of a Western energy market was a contentious topics of discussion at the fall joint meeting of CREPC and WIRAB.
CAISO’s CRR Market Yields Summer Surpluses
CAISO’s congestion revenue rights market showed unusual surpluses this summer because of higher congestion rents on Path 26.
CAISO Updates Storage as Transmission Asset Plan
Stakeholders weighed in on the 2nd CAISO straw proposal to treat energy storage as transmission assets (SATA) for purposes of accessing market revenues.
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CAISO Symposium Looks to Grid’s Future
The 1,000 or so attendees at CAISO’s Stakeholder Symposium got a glimpse of what the future could hold during the event’s 10th anniversary.
Bureau of Land Management
Fire Season Becomes Blackout Time in California
California’s big utilities shut down power proactively or warned customers they might need to because of windy conditions that could lead to wildfires.
National Weather Service
PG&E Shuts down Power to Prevent Fires
Pacific Gas and Electric pre-emptively shut down power to thousands of its customers amid high winds to reduce the risk of wildfires.
Q&A: PJM’s Ott Still Looking West
PJM CEO Andy Ott sat down with RTO Insider for the second time this year to discuss the RTO’s perspective on a Western market.
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Northwest Ponders RTO with Mix of Hope and Skepticism
Talk of an RTO for the Western Interconnection lived during the annual meeting of the Northwest & Intermountain Power Producers Coalition (NIPPC).
Western Regionalization ‘No-brainer,’ PJM CEO Says
PJM is leaving the door open to developing an organized electric market in the Western Interconnection, despite the downfall of Peak Reliability.

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