July 8, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

Newsom Names New CAISO Governors
California Gov. Gavin Newsom named new members to the CAISO Board of Governors, along with the PUC and the state’s new commission on catastrophic wildfires.
PG&E Meltdown Could Cost CAISO Members, Generators
CAISO participants and companies that do business with Pacific Gas and Electric could end up paying a hefty price for the utility’s financial collapse.
CAISO Finalizes 32 RC Agreements
CAISO said it had finalized agreements to provide reliability coordinator services with 32 transmission operators and balancing authorities in the West.
PG&E Says It Will File Bankruptcy, as CEO Steps Down
PG&E Corp. and its subsidiary Pacific Gas and Electric will file for federal bankruptcy protection by Jan. 29, the companies announced.
PG&E Credit Woes Spread, Worrying CAISO Members
Concern about Pacific Gas and Electric’s financial meltdown has spread as CAISO addressed worries about the utility’s potential to default on its payments.
California National Guard
PG&E’s Troubles Mount After Camp Fire
After the deadliest wildfire in California history, PG&E is facing intense scrutiny from lawmakers, regulators and a federal judge.
RC Transition, California Wildfires Will Occupy 2019
CAISO will tackle its new role as reliability coordinator in 2019, and California lawmakers will struggle with preventing wildfires sparked by power lines.
FERC Denies Oakland Complaint Against PG&E
FERC denied a complaint by the city of Oakland against PG&E for charging retail instead of wholesale power and transmission rates at the Port of Oakland.
New Mexico Regulators Say PNM Can Join EIM
New Mexico regulators gave PNM permission to join the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), clearing the way for participation in April 2021.
NERC Offers Upbeat Long-term Assessment
NERC offered an upbeat report on the long-term health of the nation’s grid, celebrating results from its interconnection-wide frequency response studies.

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