July 8, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

New Mexico Moves Toward Clean Energy, EIM Participation
New Mexico’s largest utility is still hoping to join the Western EIM, with the move taking on added significance requiring 100% carbon-free electricity.
California: CCAs, Decarbonization Pose Reliability Challenges
Cal. officials expressed concern that the state’s push toward 100% clean energy and the rapid growth of community choice could imperil grid reliability.
WECC Board Continues Focus on RC Transition
The Western Electricity Coordinating Council continued to deal with issues related to this year’s reliability coordinator transition at its board of directors meeting.
FERC OKs CAISO Tariff Changes on Generator Outages
FERC approved CAISO Tariff changes designed to incorporate generator contingencies and remedial action schemes into its market optimization and congestion pricing methodology.
SMUD Cancels 500-kV Tx Line Project
SMUD said it is canceling a 500-kV transmission line project it was developing with WAPA because it had proven too expensive and was no longer needed.
Calif. Needs far more Storage to Decarbonize, Panelists Say
The growth of solar power in California will require a huge amount of new electricity storage to allow the state to meet its ambitious green energy goals.
FERC OKs CAISO ‘Load Conformance’ Practices
FERC approved changes to CAISO’s Tariff that describe practices already employed to balance supply and demand in the day-ahead and real-time markets.
FERC Again Rejects CAISO ‘Market Values’ Plan
FERC again rejected CAISO’s proposal to change the way generators register their capabilities with the ISO, denying a plan that could allow participants to exercise market power.
State Regulators to Re-examine PNM’s EIM Membership
New Mexico’s PUC vacated an order that had paved the way for the PSC of New Mexico to join CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market by the spring of 2021.
CAISO Seeks More Transfers with Pacific Northwest
CAISO is exploring ways to exchange more low-carbon electricity with the Pacific Northwest, while WestConnect looks to absorb exports from California during overgeneration.

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