July 8, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

FERC Asks RTOs for more Details on Storage Rules
FERC issued deficiency letters to all six jurisdictional RTOs and ISOs over their proposed energy storage rules, pressing for definitions, tariff citations and other details.
SPP Solicits Interest in Western Real-time Market
SPP has made its long-held interest in the West official by “calling on interested utilities and other customers” to help build a real-time market “that will meet the electricity needs of the Western Interconnection.”
SMUD Goes Live in Western EIM
The Western Energy Imbalance Market continued expanding as the Sacramento Municipal Utility District became the first publicly-owned utility to begin participating in CAISO’s real-time electricity market for the West.
FERC Rejects CAISO RA Incentive Change
FERC rejected a CAISO plan to change incentive rules under its resource adequacy mechanism for wind and solar generation.
PNM’s Bid to Join Western EIM Gets Approved in Part
The New Mexico PRC granted two approvals PNM requested to join CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market, but denied one concession the utility deemed key.
CAISO Board OKs Market Power Mitigation Remedy
CAISO’s Board unanimously approved a proposal to address concerns that the ISO’s market power mitigation rules disincentivize participation in the EIM.
FERC OKs Trans Bay Cable Sale to NextEra
Despite protests from a number of cities, FERC approved the sale of the Trans Bay Cable, a 400-MW line that runs under San Francisco Bay, to NextEra.
Calif. Lawmakers Reveal Growing Divisions over CCAs
The rift over the rapid expansion of community choice aggregators in California took center stage at a state Senate hearing on Tuesday.
Changing Grid Calls for New Models, Mindset, Officials Say
Speakers at NERC’s biennial Reliability Leadership Summit talked about the impact of the new U.S. resource mix and distributed generation on the grid.
CAISO RC Oversight Committee Elects Leaders
CAISO’s RC West Oversight Committee held its monthly meeting as the grid operator prepares to assume the reliability coordinator role for most of the West.

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