July 7, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

Calif. Participants Float ‘Central Buyer’ RA Plan
California stakeholders have proposed replacing the state’s resource adequacy framework with a “central buyer” responsible for procuring resources.
Isolation, Illiquidity Drove Avista’s EIM Decision
Avista's [NYSE:AVA] Scott Kinney explained the factors that led to the utility's decision to join CAISO's EIM during the market’s Regional Issues Forum.
CAISO Stakeholders Split on Market Power Efforts
Members of CAISO’s Market Surveillance Committee and stakeholders wrangled over systemwide market power and ways to limit it.
CPUC Program ‘Runs Afoul’ of PURPA, Court Rules
The 9th Circuit found California’s Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff program violated PURPA by capping the energy utilities must purchase from QFs.
Rising Solar Boosts EIM Q2 Benefits to $86M
CAISO secured the largest chunk of the EIM’s $86 million in gross benefits during the second quarter as the solar-heavy ISO exported 2.16 million MWh.
Storage Week: Hairless Cats, Rising Stats and Skeptics
Some speakers at Infocast’s Storage Week Plus were optimistic that battery storage would become a significant part of the grid in the next five to 10 years.
CAISO Seeking to Contain PSPS Spillover
CAISO will seek to protect neighboring balancing authority areas if investor-owned utility members de-energize transmission lines due to wildfire threats.
UPDATED: California PUC Jumps into PG&E Bankruptcy Fray
The judge overseeing PG&E’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy granted a motion to hold off on deciding whether to terminate the utility’s exclusivity period.
PG&E Deserves $30M ISO Adder, FERC Says
FERC reaffirmed that Pacific Gas & Electric participates voluntarily in CAISO and qualifies for hefty financial incentives to remain in the ISO.
California Energy Summit Focuses on Wildfires
Discussions at Infocast's California Energy Summit ran the gamut of energy issues, but mitigating and preventing wildfires in the state took center stage.

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