July 7, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

FERC Denies Rehearing over RTO Adders
FERC again upheld the RTO incentives it previously approved for Southern California Edison and PG&E, rejecting rehearing requests by California regulators.
Bonneville Power Signs Agreement with CAISO EIM
The Bonneville Power Administration signed an implementation agreement with CAISO to begin participating in the Western Energy Imbalance Market in 2022.
FERC Order Briefs: Sept. 19, 2019
A roundup of FERC's orders issued at the commission's open meeting Sept. 19, 2019.
CAISO Takes Step Toward EIM Day-ahead Market
The CAISO Board of Governors and EIM Governing Body approved launching a stakeholder process to examine an extended day-ahead market.
CAISO, CPUC Warn of ‘Reliability Emergency’
CAISO’s Board of Governors heard that the ISO could face capacity shortages as soon as next year if steps aren’t taken to address the potential shortfall.
San Diego OKs Community Choice Plan
San Diego and neighboring cities plan to form a community choice aggregation (CCA) program that would be California's second largest.
Electric Bills Go to California Governor
The California Legislature has passed four bills related to electricity, including one that could help shepherd the sale of PG&E’s San Francisco assets.
NIPPC Members ‘Carry On’ Without Kahn
Sadness over the recent death of Robert Kahn suffused this year’s NIPPC annual meeting, where speakers remembered and praised the energy veteran.
Colorado Utilities Examine Market Membership
Four Colorado utilities announced they were evaluating joining either CAISO's or SPP's energy imbalance market with the help of a consulting firm.
EIM Attracts More BANC Members, WAPA Region
Three BANC members and WAPA’s Sierra Nevada division jointly announced they intend to join CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market.

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