July 7, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

California Agencies, Utilities Amp up Virus Response
California’s grid operator, government agencies and utilities bolstered actions this week to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Why 4 Colorado Utilities Joined CAISO EIM, not SPP WEIS
Four Colorado utilities decided to join CAISO’s Energy Imbalance Market instead of SPP’s Western Energy Imbalance Service because of the economic benefits.
FERC Rejects RTO Incentive Adder Rehearing
FERC said it won’t rehear a case on whether Pacific Gas and Electric deserves a $30 million annual incentive adder for staying in CAISO.
NYISO, MISO Join Operators in Suspending In-person Meetings
NYISO and MISO joined PJM, ERCOT and CAISO in suspending in-person stakeholder meetings in response to the spreading COVID-19 coronavirus.
Newsom Reappoints 2 CAISO Governors
Gov. Gavin Newsom reappointed Ashutosh Bhagwat and Angelina Galiteva to their fourth three-year terms on the CAISO Board of Governors.
Tx Developers Want to Send Wind to California
Developers of transmission projects that would send wind power across the Western Interconnection made cases at the Western Planning Regions Interregional Coordination Meeting.
Western RTOs ‘Imperative,’ Says Retiring CAISO CEO
In an interview with RTO Insider at CAISO’s headquarters, outgoing CEO Steve Berberich talked about Western regionalization and his impending retirement.
Challenge to CAISO Load Conformance Denied
CAISO’s load conformance practices do not inappropriately deny generators shortage pricing, FERC said in response to a challenge by NRG.
CAISO, NYISO, Companies Win Partial OK on Order 845
FERC largely approved the Order 845 compliance filings for CAISO, NYISO and a handful of utilities, though none of the entities received perfect marks.
Study Gauges Reliability Benefits of EIM Day-ahead
Preliminary findings from a WECC study indicate inclusion of day-ahead trading in the EIM will yield reliability benefits that outweigh any expected risks.

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