July 6, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

PSPS Relief Funds Not Spent as Intended, CPUC Says
Funds intended to provide batteries to poor residents in high fire-threat areas have been used by customers for pumping well water.
CAISO Adds Scarcity Pricing to Policy ‘Roadmap’
CAISO said it plans to begin a stakeholder initiative on scarcity pricing with an issue paper and formal start in January.
CAISO Says Constrained Tx Contributed to Blackouts
A report on the causes of California’s August blackouts contends that constrained transmission prevented much needed imports from reaching the state.
FERC OKs CAISO EV Charging, Storage Updates
FERC approved a CAISO Tariff change to increase demand response participation by businesses offering on-site electric vehicle charging.
CAISO Governors Say Hello, Goodbye
The CAISO Board of Governors bid farewell to its retired CEO, greeted a new leader and approved a plan to implement FERC Order 831.
CAISO Floats EIM Base Schedule Rule Changes
CAISO launched a two-part initiative Wednesday that would alter how Western Energy Imbalance Market participants submit their base schedules.
FERC OKs CAISO Cost Recovery Plan for Gas
CAISO won FERC approval for its second effort to allow generators to recover the costs of higher natural gas prices.
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CAISO Retiring, Incoming CEOs Field Questions
CAISO's outgoing and incoming CEOs answered stakeholder questions in a roundtable discussion hosted by the EIM’s Regional Issues Forum.
FERC Accepts CAISO Intertie Changes
FERC gave fast-track approval to CAISO Tariff changes meant to discourage sellers from failing to deliver on import energy bids.
CAISO Seeks ‘Firm’ Tx for Resource Adequacy
A CAISO resource adequacy workshop could not have been more timely following the heat waves and energy emergencies of mid-August and Labor Day weekend.

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