July 6, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

CAISO CEO Defends Blackouts Response
Top officials discussed CAISO’s handling of California’s mid-August blackouts and actions to avoid future shortages in a webinar.
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CPUC’s Randolph Named CARB Chair
California Gov. Gavin Newsom appointed Liane Randolph, a member of the state’s Public Utilities Commission, as the next chair of CARB.
New CAISO CEO Vows Urgency on Resource Adequacy
CAISO's new CEO, Elliot Mainzer, spoke with RTO Insider about his background, priorities and perspective on California's resource adequacy problem.
Overheard at NECA’s 19th Power Markets Conference
NECA held its 19th Power Markets Conference virtually, featuring three panels discussing the impacts of renewable energy integration.
CAISO Wasn’t Gamed in Blackouts, Watchdog Finds
CAISO’s Market Monitor found no evidence of market manipulation or strategic outages during the rolling blackouts of mid-August.
CPUC Tries to Head off Summer Blackouts
The California Public Utilities Commission opened a proceeding to help prevent summer blackouts like those in August and September.
FERC Accepts CAISO Co-located Resources Plan
FERC approved a CAISO plan meant to allow co-located resources to connect to the grid more quickly and seamlessly in the coming months.
CAISO Governors Honor Olsen
The CAISO board praised the work of retiring colleague David Olsen and adopted the second phase of its hybrid resource plan.
Wide Support for FERC Carbon Pricing Statement
FERC’s proposed policy statement on carbon pricing won wide support, although some expressed doubt that it will spur adoption.
NARUC Panel Takes on West’s ‘Surreal Summer’
NARUC panelists examined the extraordinary events last summer in the Western Interconnection, including California's rolling blackouts.

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