July 6, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

FERC Approves NextEra Purchase of GridLiance
FERC conditionally approved NextEra Energy Transmission’s $660 million purchase of GridLiance transmission operations in MISO, SPP and CAISO.
COVID, Storms, Wildfires Roiled Markets in 2020
COVID-19 and record hurricane and wildfire seasons made 2020 “a unique and at times challenging year,” FERC said in its State of the Markets report.
EIM Governing Body OKs Summer Readiness Measures
The Western Energy Imbalance Market approved two CAISO measures and endorsed a third to improve reliability, mitigate capacity shortfalls.
CAISO MSC Weighs Summer Market Changes
CAISO’s Market Surveillance Committee has endorsed a set of rule changes designed to avoid shortfalls this summer.
CAISO Readies RA Enhancements for Summer
A stakeholder initiative to help ensure resource adequacy and avoid energy emergencies this summer is headed to the CAISO Board of Governors.
New PG&E CEO Promises ‘Hometown Experience’
New PG&E CEO Patti Poppe vowed change as she laid out her vision for the utility, which reported a loss of $1.05/share for 2020.
Calif. Worries High Rates Could Hurt Climate Efforts
California’s energy policy leaders came together to weigh the potential impact of the state’s sharply rising electricity rates on its electrification goals.
Colo. AQCC Approves Deal on Pneumatic Devices
The Colorado AQCC enacted the nation’s strictest rules around methane emissions from the pneumatic controllers used in oil and gas production facilities.
CAISO Speeds Rule Changes to Avoid Shortfalls
CAISO issued a draft final proposal for its summer readiness market enhancements initiative just three weeks after presenting a straw proposal.
CPUC Triples Resource Projections for CAISO Tx Plan
The California PUC approved a massive increase to its resource-needs projections, which CAISO will use in its transmission planning process for 2021/22.

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