July 5, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

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Court Overturns FERC on CAISO CPM Rates
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals said FERC erred in basing its decision on CAISO capacity procurement payments on a prior ruling.
NextEra Energy Resources
CAISO Proposes Paying Storage Differently
CAISO proposed paying batteries to stay charged during the day in readiness for summer evening peaks to maintain resource adequacy in Western heat waves.
U.S. Forest Service
California PUC Levies $550M on Edison for Wildfires
The CPUC fined Southern California Edison $550 million for major wildfires in 2017-18 and approved the utility's new $1.3 billion storage project.
California PUC Proposes New Net Metering Plan
The California PUC issued a highly anticipated and controversial proposal to revamp the way rooftop solar customers are paid for surplus generation.
LADWP on ‘Crash Course’ to Generate with Green Hydrogen
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is betting big on generating electricity with green hydrogen out of sheer necessity, its top official said.
Princeton Study Examines 24/7 CFE Procurement
C&I customers in California and PJM could reduce their emissions much more by procuring carbon-free electricity hour by hour, according to a new report.
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Colorado PUC: State Could Save up to $230M in Wholesale Market
A Colorado PUC report found that joining an organized wholesale electricity market could save the state’s utilities $50 million to $230 million annually.
FERC Accepts CAISO Hybrid Rules
FERC accepted a second round of changes from CAISO's stakeholder initiative on hybrid resources, including a contested exemption for renewables plus storage.
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FERC Seeks Comments on Reactive Power Compensation
FERC approved an inquiry into how reactive power capability should be compensated in the face of changing conditions on the nation’s electricity grid.
GridEx VI Incorporates Recent Cyber Lessons
NERC's GridEx VI security exercise tested utilities with an array of cybersecurity threats drawn from recent experiences.

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