July 4, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

Utah Office of Energy Development and S&P Global Market Intelligence
CAISO Issues Report on Western Regionalization Studies
CAISO released a draft report on Western regionalization that is intended to revive talks on the ISO becoming a multistate RTO and bolster legislation.
Alexander MacKay and Ignacia Mercadal
A ‘Deregulation’ Debate by the Numbers
A recent New York Times article rekindled the debate over RTO markets and electric deregulation and a Harvard study released last month provides new ammunition.
California Governor's Office
New California Energy, Climate Laws Go Live
A half dozen new climate and energy laws took effect in California on Jan. 1.
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CAISO Board Elects New Chair, Vice Chair
The CAISO Board of Governors named a new chair and vice chair from its members while thanking departing Chair Ashutosh Bhagwat for his 12 years of service.
TransWest Express to Join CAISO as Tx Owner
TransWest Express, a power line linking Wyoming wind to California, won board approval to participate in CAISO as a transmission owner under a new model.
Southern California Edison
CAISO, WEIM Boards Back Reliability Enhancements
The CAISO Board of Governors and Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body adopted resource sufficiency and storage changes to promote summer reliability.
FERC Restarts Hearing on La Paloma Interconnection Dispute
FERC restarted a hearing in a dispute over an interconnection agreement that would reduce transmission capacity for a 20-year-old gas-fired plant in California.
Niskanen Center
FERC Considers Interregional Transfer Requirements
In a workshop, FERC commissioners and stakeholders debated the pros and cons of requiring minimum transfer capability between regions to promote reliability.
WECC Heat Wave Analysis Evokes Calls for Caution, not Celebration
WECC directors said that Westerners should take cold comfort from the fact that grid operators were able to avert blackouts during a September heat wave.
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Utilities Grapple with Increasingly Distributed Power System
System operators need better visibility as the grid transitions to a more distributed power system, experts told GridWise Alliance's gridCONNEXT 2022.

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