March 26, 2025

California Community Choice Association (CalCCA)

Wyoming Business Council
Pathways ‘Step 2’ Plan Elicits Praise, Concerns — and Advice
A workshop on the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative has sparked praise for the proposal as well as concerns, including uneasiness over plans to share staffing between CAISO and a new regional organization that would govern Western electricity markets.
California Senate
California Labor Groups Affirm Support for Pathways Proposal
Labor groups that blocked past California legislative efforts to “regionalize” CAISO told state lawmakers they “look forward” to working with the legislature next year to pass a bill to implement the governance changes being developed by Pathways.
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Busy Summer Ahead for Pathways Initiative
Participants in the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative face a busy meeting schedule this summer as the group’s leaders look to advance on parallel fronts to develop a Western “regional organization.”
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Pathways Initiative to Act Fast on ‘Stepwise’ Governance Plan
Backers of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative say they want to move quickly on first part of their proposed plan to shift CAISO’s governance to an independent entity.
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Western Pathways Initiative Sets Budget, Seeks Funders
Backers of an effort to create the framework for an independent Western RTO know how much money they’ll need to get things off the ground, and they’re seeking funders.
Westside Governance Pathways Initiative
Western RTO Initiative Outlines Governance Options
The group working to establish a single Western RTO heard summaries of five potential options for a new governing body that could be independent of CAISO.
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Stakeholders Call for Structural Changes to CAISO’s Resource Adequacy Program

CAISO and its stakeholders are still in the early stages of grappling with how to redesign the ISO’s resource adequacy program to account for rapidly changing conditions on the grid.

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Mixed Views on CAISO Interconnection Process Proposal

CAISO stakeholders have voiced various concerns about an ISO straw proposal to revamp its interconnection process, with some cautioning about an overly rapid timeline.

CCAs Challenge California PUC on RA Ruling
CalCCA is asking California regulators to reconsider a decision that blocks CCAs from expanding if they have had resource adequacy deficiencies in the past two years.
Minesweeper, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Approves PG&E’s Proposal to Spin off Generation
FERC approves Pacific Gas and Electric’s transaction to spin off its non-nuclear generation — more than 5,000 MW — to new subsidiary Pacific Generation.

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