September 27, 2024

California Air Resources Board (CARB)

CARB Plan Would Allow Interstate Transfer of ZEV Credits
Car manufacturers selling in states that follow California’s ZEV regulations would be able to transfer ZEV credits among states under a new CARB proposal.
National Park Service
California Governor Signs Climate, Wildfire, Energy Bills
Gov. Gavin Newsom stood in the smoke of Sequoia National Park on Thursday to discuss the $15 billion California is spending on climate resilience.
Portland General Electric
Enviros, Industry Urge Oregon’s Swift Adoption of Clean Truck Rules
Oregon should move swiftly to adopt California’s stringent emissions rules for trucks, testifiers at a public hearing hosted by the state’s Department of Environmental Quality said.
CARB Seeks to Mitigate GHGs from Extreme Events
California air quality regulators are devising a program to lower increased emissions that may occur as the state tries to meet energy demand during severe weather.
OSW, GHG Bills Go to California Governor
Bills sent to Gov. Gavin Newsom include measures on offshore wind planning and controlling GHG emissions from cement manufacturing.
San Francisco Clean Cities Coali
Spread of California Hydrogen Stations Should Fuel FCEV Growth
Development of hydrogen-fueling stations in California is accelerating; car manufacturers should consider ramping up production of FCEVs, new report says.
California Program to Provide $10M in E-bike Incentives
The California Air Resources Board has begun design of a program that will distribute up to $10 million in incentives for the purchase of electric bikes.
Southern California Edison
CARB Plan Aims to Broaden Access to ZEVs
A California Air Resources Board proposal would give car manufacturers a new way to earn ZEV credits under the state’s Advanced Clean Cars program.
First Solar
California Renewables Could Cover 813,000 Acres
California’s push to 100% clean energy by 2045 will require an area roughly the size of the cities of Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco combined.
California GHGs Decline 1.7% in 2019
Increased use of renewable diesel and greater availability of hydropower helped California cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 1.7% in 2019.

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