July 3, 2024

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)

Customers Probe BPA on EIM Impact
BPA dispelled lingering doubts about its intent to join the Western EIM, but will take time to address stakeholders about how the move will affect them.
BPA Marches Toward EIM Membership
The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) took another step toward membership in the Western EIM when it kicked off a monthlong public comment process.
Washington, Nevada Join 100% Clean Energy Movement
Washington state lawmakers approved legislation Monday requiring the state to rely entirely on zero-emissions and renewable energy by 2045.
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BPA Stays on Track to Join Western EIM
The Bonneville Power Administration continued its series of discussions with stakeholders about joining CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market.
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PGE, BPA Sign 5-Year Hydro PPAs
Portland General Electric and the Bonneville Power Administration said Wednesday they have signed two agreements that will help PGE avert a generation shortage after it shuts down its coal-fired Boardman Generating Station in 2020.
Calif. Lawmakers Relaunch CAISO Regionalization
A key California lawmaker is seeking comment this week on a revived effort to regionalize CAISO and create a multistate Western RTO.
DC Circuit Reverses FERC on BPA Refund Case
A panel for the D.C. Circuit reversed a decision by FERC that prevented a generating plant from recouping funds from the Bonneville Power Administration.
CAISO Considers Fast-Track Approval for 2 Tx Projects
CAISO is considering approval of two low-cost transmission upgrade projects using an accelerated procedure that bypasses the usual stakeholder process.
CAISO, BPA Ink Agreement to Ease Northwest EIM Transfers
CAISO has signed a transmission agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration designed to facilitate Energy Imbalance Market transfers.
FERC Accepts CAISO Contracts for Imported Frequency Response
FERC approved CAISO's agreements to procure frequency response from the Bonneville Power Administration and Seattle City Light.

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