July 6, 2024

battery storage

The Brattle Group
Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy: Capturing the Stacked Benefits of Battery Storage
Ryan Hledik of The Brattle Group defends his firm's study of the value of energy storage in California.
MISO Rules Must Bend for Storage, Stakeholders Say
MISO must fully consider the special attributes of energy storage devices before developing new rules, stakeholders said.
PJM Symposium: As DER Rises, Focus on Distribution System Needs
The growth of distributed energy resources and behind-the-meter innovation will require upgrades to the distribution network, speakers told PJM at their Grid 20/20 symposium.
FERC Approves 1st Storage GIA in MISO
FERC approved a generator interconnection agreement for Indianapolis Power & Light’s Harding Street Station Battery Energy Storage System.
PJM to Consider Storage as Capacity
Members agreed to consider new rules to allow batteries, flywheels and other advanced storage technologies to bid in the capacity market.
Energy Storage: Ready for its Close-Up?
Advanced energy storage is ready to move beyond pilot projects and into day-to-day operations. But it will take rule changes and cost reductions for the technologies to reach their potential.
Energy Storage Vies for Capacity Role
Members will consider rules allowing batteries, flywheels and other advanced energy storage technologies to participate in the PJM capacity market.

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