July 6, 2024

battery storage

CAISO Could See More Outages this Summer
California could experience capacity shortfalls this summer during severe heat because of limited imports and low hydroelectric production, CAISO said.
Panel Discusses Hybrid Resources for Decarbonization Efforts
The Northeast Energy and Commerce Association hosted a webinar on hybrid resources as part of its series on the role of energy storage in decarbonization.
Big Question Looms over Oahu Energy Storage Facility
HECO says a proposed massive energy storage facility on Oahu will help fill the capacity gap left by the closure of a 180-MW AES coal-fired plant.
Carver-Kingston Line Review Holds for NTA Analysis
Mass. regulators want to take a deeper dive into solar plus storage as an alternative to Eversource’s proposed Carver-Kingston transmission line.
House Subcommittee Debates Keeping Grid Clean, Resilient
Democrats and Republicans disagreed on how to ensure the country’s grid is clean, reliable and prepared for the next catastrophic weather event.
CCAs Team Up to Buy Clean Energy, Storage Capacity
Eight of California’s community choice aggregators said they will join forces to create one of the state’s largest procurement entities.
California Energy Commission Updates Long-Term Forecast
The California Energy Commission updated its 2020-2030 forecast to account for the COVID-19 pandemic and increased electric-vehicle charging.
CAISO to Focus on Resource Adequacy in 2021
CAISO’s top priority in 2021 will be making sure there is enough generating capacity for summer after last year’s shortfalls.
ISO-NE PAC Briefs: Dec. 16, 2020
ISO-NE presented to the Planning Advisory Committee feedback on lessons learned from its competitive Boston-area transmission solicitation.
California Lithium Extraction Plan Advances
A proposal to extract lithium for battery production in California moved forward when the CEC named members of a panel to address the plan.

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