July 22, 2024

battery storage

CARB: Calif. Must Double Annual Solar Build to Meet GHG Goals
California must more than double the amount of solar capacity built each year compared to its previous maximum build rate to reach net zero by 2045, CARB said.
Highlights from FCA 16: No New Gas, No Big Storage
New England’s Forward Capacity Auction last month offered no big surprises, but it did hint at coming shifts in the dynamics of the region’s energy supply.
Department of Water Resources
Summer Hydro Outlook Iffy in California
A dry January and February are clouding the prospects for hydroelectric generation this summer following two years of severe drought in California.
Martha's Vineyard Transit Author
‘Buy America’ Hampers Martha’s Vineyard E-bus Plan, Official Says
Martha’s Vineyard Transit Authority Administrator Angela Gompert says battery vendors must catch up to the reality of the FTA’s ‘Buy America’ requirements.
USA Rare Earth
Critical Minerals: America’s Achilles Heel?
An OurEnergyPolicy webinar focused on the importance of minerals to U.S. decarbonization and the vulnerability created by relying on imports.
California governor's office
California Governor Proposes Spending $10B on EVs
Gov. Gavin Newsom's FY 21-22 budget plan proposes spending $6.1 billion more on zero-emission vehicles and $1 billion on building electrification.
PG&E Building ‘Remote Grids’ in Fire-prone Areas
PG&E plans to build more standalone “remote grids” in California, allowing the utility to remove distribution lines serving small groups of isolated customers as a way to reduce wildfire danger.
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CAISO Takes on Transmission, EDAM in 2022
CAISO intends in 2022 to focus on long-term transmission planning, interconnecting storage and extending the real-time Western EIM to a day-ahead market.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Dec. 15, 2021
Stakeholders endorsed a PJM proposal at a Markets and Reliability Committee meeting to improve the deployment of synchronized reserves during a spin event.
NextEra Energy Resources
CAISO Proposes Paying Storage Differently
CAISO proposed paying batteries to stay charged during the day in readiness for summer evening peaks to maintain resource adequacy in Western heat waves.

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