July 3, 2024

Base Residual Auction (BRA)

PJM Sets BRA for May 2021
PJM will hold the 2022/23 Base Residual Auction in May after being delayed since 2019 over FERC’s expansion of the minimum offer price rule.
FERC Approves PJM Key Capacity Market Variable
PJM moved closer to restarting its capacity auctions with FERC’s approval of its new energy and ancillary services revenue offset calculation
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PJM Updates Stakeholders on MOPR Filing
Stakeholders got a look at PJM’s initial response to FERC’s ruling this month on its expanded minimum offer price rule.
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FERC Acts on PJM MOPR Filing
FERC approved most of PJM’s compliance filing on its expanded MOPR while reversing its position on state-directed default service auctions.
FERC OKs Revised Forecast for PJM Incremental Auction
FERC granted PJM permission to use a lower peak load forecast for its second Incremental Auction in July, reflecting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Commenters Weigh in on PJM MOPR Compliance Filing
More than two dozen companies and coalitions filed responses to PJM’s compliance filing to FERC's order expanding its MOPR.
Clock Ticking on Exelon Illinois Nukes Under MOPR
Exelon said its Illinois nuclear plants are “up against a clock,” with the legislature unable to meet to consider withdrawing from PJM’s capacity market.
FERC Denies Rehearing on PJM Arbitrage Fixes
FERC denied rehearings on orders rejecting PJM’s efforts to stop capacity market participants from attempting to arbitrage between the BRA and Incremental Auctions.
PJM Proposes Auction for 6 Months After FERC Ruling
PJM plans to hold the next Base Residual Auction about six months after they receive FERC approval of its compliance filing implementing the expanded MOPR.
PJM’s MOPR Quandary: Should States Stay or Should they Go?
RTO Insider held a webinar with regulators from five of PJM’s biggest states to find out how they plan to respond to FERC’s Dec. 19 order expanding MOPR.

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