July 4, 2024

Base Residual Auction (BRA)

Consensus Fades on PJM Incremental Auction Solution
A consensus that appeared to be coalescing for how to revise PJM’s Incremental Auction process and address replacement capacity issues has dissipated.
PJM Stakeholders Envision Additional Capacity Designs
Proposals for reforming PJM's capacity markets were presented and explained at a two-day meeting of the Capacity Construct/Public Policy Senior Task Force.
PJM Stakeholders See Capacity Auction Flaws, Offer Solutions
The PJM Capacity Construct Public Policy Senior Task Force has been working hard to develop rule changes in time for next year’s capacity auction.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs
PJM announced at last week’s Markets and Reliability Committee meeting that a scheduled vote on new pseudo-tie provisions would be postponed.
Analysts See End to New Builds in PJM Capacity Results
Analysts think the results of the PJM capacity auction yesterday will end efforts to build new generation capacity in the RTO’s territory.
Updated: Capacity Prices down in Most of PJM in 1st Year of 100% CP
PJM’s first capacity auction requiring year-round availability per its Capacity Performance requirements saw prices drop by one-quarter in most of the RTO.
PJM Markets and Reliability and Members Committees Briefs
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee discussed the RTO's recent pseudo-tie filing, capacity replacement and fuel-cost policies.
PJM Capacity Task Force Considering 60+ ‘Design Concepts’
The PJM Capacity Construct/Public Policy Senior Task Force held its second meeting discuss design-concept ideas for revising the RTO’s capacity market.
FERC Staff OKs PJM Aggregation, DR Rules; Refunds Possible
FERC staff have greenlit PJM’s proposed Tariff revisions to allow increased participation from seasonal resources.
PJM Monitor Asks FERC to Act on ‘Paper Capacity’
PJM’s Independent Market Monitor urged FERC to address longstanding concerns over demand response providers and others selling “paper capacity.”

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