December 22, 2024

Appian Way Energy Partners

FERC Rejects PJM’s FTR Credit Requirement Proposal
FERC rejected PJM’s proposal to modify the FTR rights credit requirement and opened a show-cause proceeding to examine the existing requirement.
© RTO Insider LLC
FERC Approves Pause of PJM Transmission Constraint Penalty Factor in Virginia
FERC approved a temporary halt to PJM’s transmission constraint penalty factor rules in Virginia’s Northern Neck peninsula.
RTOs: Let Us Share Trading Info
Last week's outages in ERCOT were on the minds of many witnesses at FERC’s technical conference on RTO/ISO credit practices.
Energy Trading Institute
RTO Council Balks at Credit Rulemaking
The ISO/RTO Council asked FERC to reject financial traders’ request to update RTO credit policies, saying it would upset stakeholder proceedings.

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