March 31, 2025

Andy Ott

PJM CEO Ott Briefs Senate Committee on Black Start
PJM CEO Andy Ott emphasized the importance of fuel diversity for grid resilience to U.S. senators, but he cautioned against government intervention.
Western Regionalization ‘No-brainer,’ PJM CEO Says
PJM is leaving the door open to developing an organized electric market in the Western Interconnection, despite the downfall of Peak Reliability.
Cost Containment Clears MC Vote Despite PJM Plea
A controversial proposal to bring cost-containment measures into PJM’s transmission planning cleared its final hurdle in the stakeholder process.
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Retiring PJM Chair Schneider Reflects on 21 Years at the Helm
The first and only chairman of PJM’s Board of Managers retires Wednesday. It’s a day for which he has had years to prepare, and yet he admits he may never be fully ready to let go.
PJM Seeks to Have Market Value Fuel Security
PJM wants to take a more holistic look at how the grid’s supply chain works and factor the findings into its markets.
RTO CEOs Trade Quips, Thoughts on Future at GCPA
At the Gulf Coast Power Association’s annual spring conference, ERCOT CEO Bill Magness once again moderated a panel of his counterparts from around the country.
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Overheard at ACORE Renewable Energy Policy Forum
ACORE'S 15th Renewable Energy Policy Forum brought regulators, federal officials, investors and others for discussions in D.C.
PJM Responds to Pa. Concerns About Baseload Plants
PJM assured Pennsylvania legislators that the state has ample power generation for its needs and cautioned that fuel diversity will not ensure reliability.
PJM Chief Confident on Western Market Proposal
At a meeting of the Western Power Trading Forum, PJM CEO Andy Ott sat down with RTO Insider to discuss the new Peak Reliability/PJM Connext market proposal.
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FERC, RTOs: Grid Performed Better in Jan. Cold Snap vs. 2014
Generators fared better during the early January cold snap than in the 2014 polar vortex, officials told Congress, but New England needs to take urgent preventative action.

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