American Electric Power (AEP)
Talen Energy’s deal to carve out capacity from its Susquehanna Nuclear Plant to serve a growing data center on its site drew protests at FERC from other parties who argued the deal and others like it could shift costs and threaten reliability.
American Electric Power's Board of Directors selected industry insider Bill Fehrman as its president and CEO, effective Aug. 1.
The PJM MRC endorsed a proposal to revise how capacity obligations for serving large load additions are calculated to limit capacity assignments to areas where the LLAs are forecast to actually interconnect.
FERC found SPP’s tariff revisions laying out how it determines its planning reserve margin methodology only partly met the commission’s order on rehearing and directed an additional compliance filing.
Sen. Joe Manchin rebuffed Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's assertion that permitting reform was dead in the current Congress during an Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on load growth from data centers.
American Electric Power says 10.5% growth year over year in data centers and other commercial load within its 11-state footprint can be attributed to prior investments in transmission infrastructure.
The Market Implementation Committee voted to endorse a package to revise how capacity obligations associated with forecast large load additions are assigned to electric distribution companies.
The PJM MRC rejected four proposals to rework how the RTO measures and verifies the capacity EE providers can offer into the market.
The Planning Committee endorsed PJM’s long-term regional transmission planning proposal, advancing manual revisions that would expand the RTO’s planning horizon to 15 years.
PJM's Market Implementation Committee endorsed a PJM proposal to revise how it measures and verifies the capacity that energy efficiency resources may enter into Base Residual Auctions.
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