American Electric Power (AEP)
Public Service Company of Oklahoma formally notified ERCOT that it will retire the coal-fired Oklaunion Power Station in the Texas Panhandle.
The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio denied AEP’s request to recover costs from ratepayers for proposed wind and solar projects totaling 900 MW.
PJM wants to sunset the Distributed Energy Resources Ride Through Task Force after saying its work considering a default standard is done.
American Electric Power’s third-quarter figures beat expectations with earnings of $734 million, up from $578 million over the same period in 2018.
PJM’s Planning Committee deferred voting on a proposal regarding critical infrastructure mitigation projects for a webinar planned to discuss transparency.
The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio delayed ruling on the need for two solar projects proposed by AEP after the company asked for a “brief hold.”
The PJM Planning Committee rejected a proposal to bring end-of-life supplemental projects under the purview of the RTO’s regional planning process.
American Electric Power [NYSE: AEP] said it is revising its 2030 targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, increasing them to 70% over 2000 levels.
NERC’s EMP Task Force held a workshop on black start, the vulnerability of nuclear plants, and skeptics who have criticized EMP research efforts.
AEP CEO Nick Akins praised Ohio’s controversial bill creating subsidies for nuclear and coal plants during the company second-quarter earnings call.
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