March 18, 2025

American Clean Power Association (ACPA)

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WINDPOWER: Industry Brainstorms on Beating Back Misinformation
Opposition to offshore wind is much more widespread than the two dozen or so protesters outside the Atlantic City Convention Center.  
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WINDPOWER: Looking for Common Ground in the Water
The friction between the fishing and offshore wind industries was a recurring topic at Offshore WINDPOWER 2024, where multiple discussions examined approaches that have sought to smooth the relationship.
WINDPOWER: Equinor Exec Gives Insight on Empire Wind
The company planning an 810-MW wind farm off the New York coast gave an update on its efforts at Offshore WINDPOWER 2024.
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WINDPOWER: Industry Puts on Game Face as Election Nears
The 2024 edition of the American Clean Power Association’s WINDPOWER conference was a celebration of achievement by the U.S. offshore wind industry and a recognition of the hurdles it still must cross.
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FERC Gets Mixed Advice on How Quickly to Move on DLR Requirements

The commission received dozens of comments on its advanced notice of proposed rulemaking that would require broad use of dynamic line ratings across the U.S. transmission grid.

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FERC’s Rosner Talks Priorities at American Clean Power Association
FERC Commissioner David Rosner told members of the American Clean Power Association that one of his main goals is to successfully manage the energy industry’s transition.
JPxG, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
CAISO Interconnection Enhancements Proposal Still in Flux

The issue of how to allocate transmission plan deliverability for projects with long lead-time network and reliability upgrades remained the center of discussion at a CAISO Interconnection Process Enhancements Working Group meeting.

Clean Power Installations Hit Record for Second Quarter, ACP Says
Clean energy developers set a record for the second quarter with 11 GW of installations – up 91% from the same three months last year.
Eric Haynes
ACP Predicts Strong US Offshore Wind Growth
A new report predicts the U.S. offshore wind buildout will fall short of President Biden’s 30-GW-by-2030 goal despite investment of a projected $65 billion over the next six years. 
EDP Renewables
Clean Energy Groups Respond to ISO-NE Order 2023 Filing
ISO-NE’s Order 2023 compliance filing received mixed responses in comments from a range of clean energy stakeholders, drawing support from several large trade associations along with protests from multiple companies.

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