March 12, 2025

advanced conductors

Counterflow: Grid Apocalypse Not
"Chicken Little" claims about power outages being caused by the transmission grid being overtaxed do not stand up to scrutiny, says columnist Steve Huntoon.
Maryland: The State Where ‘Transmission Has Come to Die’
Debating the impact of FERC's Rule 1920, Abe Silverman of Johns Hopkins told states to "codify, codify, codify" their energy policy goals and policies to ensure PJM has to take them into account in compliance.
Grid United
DOE Announces $2.2B in Grid Resilience, Innovation Awards
DOE announced its second round of grants for the GRIP program, with $2.2 billion going to eight projects that could expand grid capacity, reliability and flexibility across 18 states.
Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Panelists Call for a More Holistic Approach to Advanced Transmission Tech in Mass.
Panelists at a forum convened by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Federal and Regional Energy Affairs said advanced transmission technologies will be essential to limiting transmission costs.
The White House
White House Launches Initiative with 21 States on Grid Modernization
States participating in the Federal-State Modern Grid Deployment Initiative have committed to supporting the adoption of advanced grid solutions that expand capacity and add capabilities to existing and new transmission and distribution lines.
Idaho National Laboratory
Stakeholder Soapbox: It’s Time for New Wires on America’s Grid
Eric Gimon of Energy Innovation urges federal and state regulators not to overlook advanced reconductoring as a less expensive way to increase transmission capacity.
DOE Report, Funding Seek to Break down Barriers to Grid Innovation

Utilities are rolling out new GETs projects, DOE officials said, but “there are more than 3,000 utilities in the United States, and a few excellent projects won’t get us where we need to be.”

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