March 11, 2025

Advanced Clean Trucks regulation (ACT)

California Rolls Toward Zero-emission Locomotives
The California Air Resources Board plans to vote on a regulation requiring new switcher locomotives to be zero-emitting by 2030 and freight locomotives by 2035.
Maryland Legislature Ends Session with Big Wins for Clean Energy
In addition to the POWER Act, Maryland also approved bills aimed at growing markets for energy storage, community solar and zero-emission heavy-duty trucks.
Environmental Defense Fund
Groundbreaking California Clean Truck Rules Win EPA Waiver
The EPA approved a waiver for California’s Advanced Clean Trucks regulation, clearing the way for the state to launch the zero-emission program.
EPA Poised to Approve California Clean Truck Rules, Report Says
Good news is reportedly on the way to the California Air Resources Board regarding federal approval for its Advanced Clean Trucks regulation.
CARB Examining Obstacles on Road to ZEV Fleet Adoption
As it moves to adopt a rule requiring truck fleets to transition to ZEVs, CARB considers situations where supporting infrastructure is unavailable.
CARB Awaits EPA Decision on Advanced Clean Trucks Rule
California regulators are awaiting approval from the EPA for a rule that would require an increasing percentage of trucks sold in the state to be zero emission.
With California in Lead, Clean Truck Sales Accelerate Nationwide
California is leading a trend of growing zero-emission truck deployments across the U.S., a new report shows.
BYD North America
Vt. to Adopt More Robust Regs for Heavy-duty ZEVs
The Vt. Agency of Natural Resources will adopt four California vehicle emission standards by the end of the year so they will be effective for model year 2026.
Thomas Built Buses
Conn. Governor Set to Sign Expansive Clean Transportation Bill
The Connecticut legislature passed three bills related to clean transportation, zero-carbon electricity and solar generation caps.
Nelson48, public domain, via Wikimedia
Mass. Commission Readies Proposal for State Clean Heat Standard
Massachusetts Undersecretary of Energy Judy Chang revealed potential Commission on Clean Heat recommendations in a draft 2025/2030 Clean Energy and Climate Plan.

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