September 18, 2024
RTO Insider
RTO Insider
Your eyes and ears on the organized electric markets — CAISO | ERCOT | ISO-NE | MISO | NYISO | PJM | SPP
RTOs Seek More Flexible Compliance in Appeal of EPA Power Plant Rule
ERCOT, MISO, PJM and SPP filed a joint brief in the appeal of EPA’s power plant rule seeking more flexibility on compliance, arguing it is needed to ensure reliability.
DOE, PNNL Initiative to Focus on Equity in Tx Planning
The effort seeks to increase public participation in grid planning and provide technical assistance for planners to help them incorporate energy equity into their processes.
NYISO Offers Final Staff Recommendations for Demand Curve Reset
NYISO presented its final interim staff recommendations for the demand curve reset for 2025-2029 at the Installed Capacity Working Group’s meeting, with minor updates to some metrics.
BOEM Announces Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind Lease Sale
The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced it will conduct an offshore wind energy lease sale for eight areas on the Outer Continental Shelf that would require floating turbines. 
EHV Tx Lines Coming into Focus for ERCOT
Texas regulators are narrowing in on a reliability plan for what one said will be a “monumental infrastructure buildout” and could include 765-kV transmission to meet growing petroleum and data center demand in West Texas.
CPUC Sets New Energization Timelines for Calif. IOUs

The California PUC approved rules requiring the state’s three large investor-owned utilities to meet stricter timelines and targets for connecting electricity customers to the grid.

SEEM Opponents Push Back on Supporters’ Claims
SEEM's opponents argued that FERC should recognize the market as a loose power pool and regulate it accordingly.
PJM Stakeholders Discuss DR Winter Availability

A PJM discussion on expanding the demand response winter availability window to include a wider range of hours branched off into a broader conversation on how the resource class participates in the RTO's capacity market.

Mass. Court Upholds Approval of Controversial Eversource Substation
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upheld the Energy Facilities Siting Board’s approval of a controversial substation in East Boston, likely concluding the 10-year fight over the project.
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