September 20, 2024
RTO Insider
RTO Insider
Your eyes and ears on the organized electric markets — CAISO | ERCOT | ISO-NE | MISO | NYISO | PJM | SPP
DC Circuit Orders Could Lead FERC to Rethink its Natural Gas Policies
A pair of recent appeals court decisions signal a shift in how the courts view FERC's approvals of natural gas infrastructure and has the commission considering its next steps, Chair Willie Phillips said at a Sept. 19 open meeting.
FERC to Consider Special Interconnection Rules for Tribal Energy Projects
FERC announced it is going to work with federally recognized tribes on whether it needs to issue a new rulemaking to address the issues they have interconnecting renewable resources to the grid. 
July Sees New Western Peak Despite Moderate CAISO Demand

The Western Interconnection reached a record-breaking peak load July 10 despite relatively moderate demand in CAISO, the ISO said during a meeting of its Market Performance and Planning Forum.

WECC, Members Grapple with Strategic Vision

A proposed update to WECC’s long-term strategy has sparked a debate over whether the organization should describe itself as “The Voice of Reliability in the West.”

Markets+ ‘Equitable’ Solution to Seams Issues, Backers Say

Proponents of SPP’s Markets+ contend in their latest “issue alert” that the framework provides a much more equitable solution to tackling market seams than under CAISO’s EDAM.

8th Circuit Denies Review of FERC Orders on SPP Attachment Z2
The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied review petitions by several SPP members over FERC's rejection of generators’ rehearing requests seeking compensation under tariff Attachment Z2.
Comments on Western RO Stakeholder Plan Show Complexity of Effort
Stakeholder comments filed with the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative illustrate the complexity of building the new kind of Western regional organization envisioned by backers of the effort.
MISO, Monitor at Stalemate over Need for $21B Long-range Tx Plan
MISO’s quarterly public meetup with its board of directors put on display the unrelenting rift between the RTO’s planners and the Independent Market Monitor over MISO’s $21 billion in long-range transmission planning.
New Western Tx Could Bring Big CO2 Benefits, Study Shows
CO2 emissions from the Western U.S. power sector could drop by 73% from 2005 levels if 12 transmission projects in the development pipeline are finished by 2030, according to a new PNNL study.
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