September 26, 2024
RTO Insider
RTO Insider
Your eyes and ears on the organized electric markets — CAISO | ERCOT | ISO-NE | MISO | NYISO | PJM | SPP
The Brattle Group
Updated EDAM Study Shows Doubling of PacifiCorp Benefits

PacifiCorp is poised to realize up to $359 million a year in net benefits from participating in CAISO’s EDAM, nearly double a previous estimate, according to a newly updated study by The Brattle Group.

MISO Affirms Commitment to $21.8B Long-range Tx Plan in Final Workshops
MISO staff are resolute that a collection of 24 proposed, mostly 765 kV projects totaling $21.8 billion is a “least-regrets” avenue to achieving members’ resource planning, despite misgivings from some members.
With FERC Inaction, ISO-NE Delays Order 2023 Implementation
ISO-NE submitted its compliance to the commission in May, but FERC has yet to rule on the proposal, throwing a wrench in the RTO's implementation timeline.
With Three Mile Island Restart, Debate Continues on Co-located Load in PJM
Data centers and other concentrated electric consumers are increasingly seeking to purchase their power directly through nuclear generators in PJM.
Data Centers Contribute to 60% Increase in San Jose Load Forecast
Data centers are contributing to significant load growth and project needs in Silicon Valley, according to CAISO representatives speaking at the kickoff meeting for the ISO’s 2024/25 transmission planning process. 
WPP Board Approves WRAP Transition Plan Changes
The Western Power Pool’s Board of Directors has approved changes to the Western Resource Adequacy Program’s transition plan that include postponing the program’s “binding” phase by one year and reducing penalties for participants who come up short on RA.
Report Calls for $75B in New Tx to Meet Western Needs
The Western Interconnection will need about 15,600 additional new line miles of high-voltage transmission at a cost of about $75 billion over the next 20 years to meet the anticipated increase in load growth, according to a report commissioned by Gridworks and GridLab.
MISO Tries to Win over Stakeholders on New LMR Capacity Accreditation
Stakeholders appear wary of MISO’s proposed, availability-based accreditation it plans to file with FERC by the end of the year for the RTO’s approximately 12 GW of load-modifying resources.
MISO, TVA to Enter Agreement on Emergency Purchases
MISO and the Tennessee Valley Authority are poised to strike an agreement on emergency energy transactions after months of RTO leadership complaining that TVA doesn’t return the favor of energy transfers in times of need.
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