September 8, 2024

NetZero Insider

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NY Renewable Portfolio May Come up Short on Getting to Net Zero
Facing a possibility that it won't be able to generate enough energy with existing renewables, New York is considering more controversial forms of generation.
NRDC: PJM Interconnection Queue Roadblock to State Renewable Goals
The Natural Resources Defense Council finds that PJM’s backlogged interconnection is challenging states' renewable portfolio goals; PJM is committed to continuing to improve.
NV Energy Rejected on Plan to Replace Coal Plant with Storage
NV Energy will keep looking for resources to replace its North Valmy Generating Station after Nevada regulators shot down its plan for a $466 million battery system.
Biden Veto Upholds 2-year Moratorium on Solar Tariffs
President Biden vetoed a resolution to end the moratorium on solar tariffs imposed on equipment produced in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
Big Offshore Wind Plans Face Multiple Major Obstacles
Three recent reports note that while the U.S. offshore wind sector is growing rapidly, the ever-larger turbines being installed present technical and reliability challenges.
US, Canadian Officials Announce EV Corridor from Michigan to Quebec
A 900-mile EV corridor going from Michigan to Quebec will have charging stations every 50 miles and benefit from U.S.-Canadian cooperation.
The Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas
Renewable Natural Gas Seen as Pathway to Low-carbon Hydrogen
Using RNG as a feedstock offers hydrogen producers a shortcut to claiming the full federal tax credit created for hydrogen production, industry experts said.
Study: California Needs $50B in Distribution Work for EVs
A study done for the California Public Utilities Commission found the state needs $50 billion in distribution system upgrades to meet its electrification goals.
USDA Announces $10.7B for Rural Clean Energy Projects
USDA announced $10.7 billion in funding from the Inflation Reduction Act to help rural electric cooperatives fund zero-emission and carbon capture projects.
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IPPNY Panelists Urge Collaboration, Coordination in Transition
There was no shortage of ideas on how to overcome well known challenges to carrying out New York’s clean energy transition at IPPNY’s 37th Spring Conference.

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