September 6, 2024

NetZero Insider

Maryland PSC Approves Infinite Net Metering Credit Accumulation
The Net Metering Flexibility Act allows solar customers who generate their own electricity to accrue credits indefinitely, instead of only for a year.
DOE Looks to Build Clean Energy Park at Hanford Site
The Department of Energy wants to convert 30 square miles of the state of Washington’s heavily contaminated Hanford Site into a clean technology park, doesn’t know what type of clean tech it wants there.
Murderbike, Public Domain, via Wikipedia Commons
Wash. Judge Rejects Cap-and-trade Lawsuit
The suit by a conservative group attempted to halt the state’s cap-and trade program by eliminating Department of Ecology’s rulemaking authority.
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Massachusetts Announces Permitting And Siting Reform Commission
Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey signed an executive order creating a state Commission on Clean Energy Infrastructure Siting and Permitting.
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DOE, FERC Outline Plans for Possible Government Shutdown
FERC and DOE have plans in place they might have to use this weekend in the event Congress fails to fund the federal government, forcing its closure.
General Electric
GE Sues Wind Turbine Blade Recycling Company

GE alleges it paid Global Fiberglass Solutions of Texas LLC $16.9 million to recycle about 5,000 blades, but GFS instead stockpiled them with other companies’ used blades.

As EV Penetration Rises, Utilities Turn to Smart Charging Strategies
A pilot program using smart EV charge management to smooth distribution loads and improve demand response has been so successful one utility is adopting the program permanently.
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Northeast Stakeholders Discuss The Future of Alternative Fuels
The uncertain future of the region’s gas network loomed large over the course of the conference.
South Fork Wind
Plans Would Boost OSW Infrastructure, Supply Chain Development
The plan offered by the Business Network for Offshore Wind calls for spending $36 billion on a network of up to 119 ports nationwide.
Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Environmental Report Published
BOEM published the final environmental impact statement for Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind, setting the stage for approval of the largest wind farm yet in U.S. waters.

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