September 4, 2024

NetZero Insider

NY Moves to Phase out SF6 in New Electrical Gear

New York is moving to limit the use of sulfur hexafluoride in electrical power and distribution equipment and to reduce leakage of the most potent greenhouse gas.

Can DOE Accelerate US Energy Transition as 2024 Election Looms?

DOE is focused on reshaping the U.S. energy landscape, but officials may have only another year to build the momentum needed to make any potential Republican rollbacks unpopular and unlikely.

Nevada Vanadium Mining Corp.
Study Examines Critical Minerals Potential in West
Western Interstate Energy Board member states backed the research project exploring the region's potential for supplying the minerals needed for U.S. energy transition.
Biden Admin. Releases Proposed Rules for Hydrogen Tax Credits
Hydrogen producers seeking tax credits will need to use new clean energy time-matched to demand, the Biden administration proposed.
Analysis Shows No Contamination from NY BESS Fires

A review has found no sign so far of environmental damage or health risks from three battery energy storage fires in New York state in mid-2023.

DTE Energy
EPA, FERC Hear from Stakeholders on Reliability
Both EPA and FERC received comments on how reliability can be maintained under the former’s power plant rule that requires fossil fuel-fired units to curtail their emissions.
NJ Seeks to Advance Sole OSW Project After Ørsted Withdrawal

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities dismissed a citizen petition seeking to reassess the cost to ratepayers of Atlantic Shores, the state's sole offshore wind project in active development.

Wood Mackenzie
US Storage Market Sees Strong Growth, Strong Headwinds
Grid- or utility-scale storage continues to be a primary driver of U.S. market growth, jumping 71% from the third quarter of 2022 to the same quarter this year.
NY Releases Preliminary Cap-and-invest Outline
The outline proposes a ‘waterfall’ approach to broadly disperse program funds in a way that targets disadvantaged communities.
First Street Foundation
Floods Create Risk of ‘Climate Abandonment’ Across US
Over one-third of the country, including high-growth areas, faces population impacts, according to climate research nonprofit First Street Foundation.

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