October 9, 2024

NetZero Insider

FERC: RGGI, Voluntary RECs Exempt from MOPR
FERC clarified voluntary renewable energy credits and participation in RGGI will not subject capacity resources to PJM’s expanded minimum offer price rule.
Danly Introduces Himself at 1st FERC Open Meeting
James Danly attended his first FERC open meeting as a commissioner, albeit virtually, as it was held by teleconference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Va. 1st Southern State with 100% Clean Energy Target
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed landmark legislation committing the state to closing most of its coal-fired generation by 2024 and adopting a 100% clean energy standard.
California Travels down Electrification Road
California's Energy Commission tried to electrify buildings and improve appliance efficiency by approving electrification and green energy ordinances.
Solar Subsidy Program Ending in New Jersey
New Jersey is winding down a solar energy program that helped place the state near the top of solar production in the country.
Renewable Tax Credit Extensions Not in Stimulus Bill
The wind and solar industries were disappointed that Congress’ $2 trillion stimulus bill did not include extensions of production and investment tax credits.
California PUC Adopts Electrification Pilot Programs
The California PUC created two pilot programs to jump start the state’s electrification of residential structures, devoting $200 million toward the effort.
N.J. Investigating Alternatives to PJM Capacity Market
New Jersey officials have taken the first step in determining whether the state should remain in PJM’s regional capacity market or go in another direction.
N.Y. Looks at Grid Transition Modeling, Reliability
NYISO stakeholders explored detailed assumptions and modeling descriptions for an upcoming study on transitioning the New York grid to a cleaner future.
CPUC Approves Big Boost in Storage, Solar Targets
The California PUC approved historic increases in the state’s clean energy targets, calling for almost 25 GW of renewable energy and storage by 2030.

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