October 6, 2024

NetZero Insider

New Mass. Bill Targets 1M Home Retrofits
Members of the Massachusetts legislature announced new bills to lower emissions, launch a new source of employment and combat racial inequities.
EEI: Net Zero by 2035 ‘Incredibly Difficult’
The Edison Electric Institute is skeptical about its ability to meet the Biden administration’s goal of carbon-free electricity by 2035.
Utilities Urged to Improve EV Charging Efficiency
Utilities need to offer electric vehicle rate designs that will encourage customers to use EVs most efficiently, said Rachel Gold, director at ACEEE.
Net Metering Reform Means Asking New Questions
Panelists at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Winter Policy Summit discussed the benefits and challenges of net energy metering.
Wash. EV Bills Spark Concern About Buildout
Infrastructure is the main concern facing two Washington bills that propose to switch the state’s auto market to only electric vehicles by 2030.
Tx Planning in Boston Collides with Climate Goals
Massachusetts residents & officials debated the need for a new substation in East Boston, saying the projected increased load could be met with renewables.
Lawmakers Chase Affordability in Energy Transition in Maine
Maine legislators and officials gave a preview of their work this year in implementing the state’s energy policies while keeping costs to consumers low.
Calif. Governor Fills Seats on CAISO, CPUC, CEC
California Gov. Gavin Newsom named new members to the CAISO Board of Governors, Public Utilities Commission and Energy Commission.
CCAs Team Up to Buy Clean Energy, Storage Capacity
Eight of California’s community choice aggregators said they will join forces to create one of the state’s largest procurement entities.
Congress Urged to Codify Clinton Order on Enviro Justice
President Biden’s early directives on environmental justice do not go far enough, members of the House Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change heard.

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