October 6, 2024

NetZero Insider

Ohio Lawmakers Struggle to Undo Nuclear Subsidy
Ohio lawmakers are considering multiple bills to undo the $1 billion nuclear plant bailout for FirstEnergy, though none outright repeals the law.
Some Sacrifice Needed on Road to Net-Zero, Nexamp Says
Communities and companies must find creative compromise in siting and developing clean energy at scale, Nexamp's Kelly Friend told NECA.
Carbon Tax Bill Gains Supporters in Wash.
A proposed Washington carbon emissions tax drew support from environmentalists, activists for low-income residents, communities of color.
Green Transition Sparks Comeback for Utility Securitizations
Utility securitizations are making a comeback as power companies & state governments seek ways to deal with the huge costs associated with decarbonization.
Virginia Takes $43.6M in its 1st RGGI Auction
Virginia sold $43.6 million in carbon dioxide allowances in its first RGGI auction since joining the cap-and-invest program in January.
Hawaii Report Poses ‘Living’ Shoreline to Counter Sea Level Rise
A new report by the University of Hawaii Community Design Center explores the idea of creating “living” shorelines to fight sea level rise.
Nev. Program Seeks Calif. Standards for Vehicle Emissions
Nevada is seeking approval for a program to tighten vehicle emission standards and increase availability of electric cars.
Senate Panel Advances Haaland
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved Rep. Deb Haaland’s nomination as secretary of the interior, sending her on to a floor vote.
NY Panel Says Circular Economy Will Cut Waste Emissions
The New York State Climate Action Council Waste Advisory Panel is refining ideas for cutting methane, CO2 emissions from organic waste.
NH Bill Seeks All-ZEV State Fleet by 2042
New Hampshire legislators are considering a bill that would require the state’s vehicle fleet to be emissions-free by 2042.

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