October 1, 2024

NetZero Insider

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Offshore Wind Advocates Celebrate Federal Support Under Biden
Offshore wind's prospects have brightened under President Biden, but speakers at a conference acknowledged a need to move faster to achieve climate goals.
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From Tolerance to Empathy: OSW Developers Share Outreach Efforts
Offshore wind developers said empathy for communities and ocean users is the key to winning stakeholder support of their projects.
Energy Efficiency Key to Decarbonization, Experts Contend
Energy efficiency plays a crucial role in decarbonization because it can reduce costs as demand for electricity grows, panelists said in a CEC workshop.
Stakeholders Differ on OSW Leases in New York Bight
Organizations and residents asked BOEM to pause before selling new offshore wind leases in the New York Bight, but others urged it to move forward.
Houston METRO
Houston METRO to Electrify Bus Fleet by 2030
The Houston Metro set a goal to replace all of its buses and vans with electric vehicles by 2030, a full decade before other major metro transit authorities.
Consumers Energy
Michigan PSC Issues Emergency Order Following Devastating Storms
The Michigan PSC issued an emergency order requiring investor-owned utilities to report on their efforts to mitigate damage and outages from severe weather.
Electric Truck Efficiency Depends on the Driver
The importance of training electric truck drivers accustomed to diesel systems was a focus of the last webinar hosted by NACFE and RMI.
New Jersey Ups Pension Investments in Climate Funds
State pension funds invest $200 million in TPG's Rise Climate fund, following a $100 million investment in Stonepeak Global Renewables Fund.
Port NY-NJ Cites ‘Hurdles’ to Employing EV Trucks
The Port of New York and New Jersey will need to overcome multiple obstacles to grow its electric truck fleet significantly beyond the handful it has now.
Nantucket Residents File Lawsuit Against BOEM to Protect North Atlantic Right Whale
Nantucket residents want to halt development of offshore wind within a “nexus of activity” for the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale.

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