September 30, 2024

NetZero Insider

Conn. Regulator Nudges ISO-NE to Share Tx Data to Support OSW
State solicitations have helped lower offshore wind prices, but DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes says the next challenge for the sector is transmission.
Energy Vault
DOE Targets 90% Cut in Cost of Long-duration Storage
A new initiative at DOE's national labs will use AI and machine learning to cut the time long-duration storage technologies will need to reach commercial scale.
PennEast Pipeline
PennEast Pipeline Throws in the Towel
Developers of the proposed PennEast natural gas pipeline canceled the project, conceding defeat despite a victory before the U.S. Supreme Court in June.
United Nations
UN Hosts Energy Dialogue During General Assembly
The United Nations convened a “high-level dialogue on energy,” the first gathering of leaders at the U.N. in more than 40 years devoted solely to energy issues.
Toxin Assessment Renews Environmental Justice Questions at Weymouth Compressor Station
The site of the Weymouth natural gas compressor station previously hosted both a coal facility and a fuel storage tank. 
Mayflower Wind/Stull and Lee Inc.
Mayflower Wind Pledges $81M for Economic Development in OSW Bid
Mayflower Wind has submitted a 1.2-GW bid in Massachusetts' latest offshore wind RFP, pledging to spend up to $81 million for economic development.
University of Southern California
Extreme Sea Levels to Occur More Frequently, Study Says
The type of extreme sea levels previously expected to occur once every 100 years could happen annually by 2100 because of global warming, a new study says.
Sierra Club
Oregon GHG Cap Plan Faces Critics from Both Flanks
Some Oregon residents and environmental advocates criticized the DEQ's proposal to reduce GHGs as not ambitious enough, while industry said they go too far.
AlexiusHoratius, CC BY-3.0, via Wikimedia
Boston City Council Approves Enforceable Building Emissions Standard
The Boston City Council unanimously passed an amendment to its buildings ordinance that establishes an enforceable emissions performance standard.
Southwest Gas
Southwest Gas Facing Regulatory Hurdles in Securing RNG
Southwest Gas is facing regulatory barriers to increasing its renewable natural gas purchasing despite a goal set by the Nevada legislature.

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