September 29, 2024

NetZero Insider

IEA Calls on World Leaders to Close Net-zero ‘Ambition Gap’
IEA released its annual World Energy Outlook a month earlier than usual as a guide for policymakers ahead of the U.N.'s Glasgow conference in November.
NJ Plans Permanent Community Solar Program
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities will launch a permanent community solar program next year, targeting installations of up to 150 MW a year.
Jubilee Housing
Community Solar/Resiliency Projects Gain Funding, Notice
Weather-driven power outages are increasing demand for a program that helps community groups obtain technical assistance for solar-plus-storage projects.
Alabama Power
CEC Explores Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings
A California Energy Commission workshop explored ways that grid-interactive efficient buildings can contribute to carbon reduction goals.
Global Hydrogen Conference Reveals Plans to Ship Sunshine
The race to make hydrogen the world's transportation and industrial fuel in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is well underway.
Steven Baltakatei Sandoval, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
Report: CCS Needs $1 Trillion Investment over 30 Years
There are 135 CCS facilities in the global pipeline, but the sector has a lot of room to grow, says Jarad Daniels of the Global CCS Institute.
Yakima County
Insurance Sector Confronts Climate Change Risks
A conference hosted by Washington's Office of the Insurance Commissioner discussed how the insurance sector is becoming entangled in climate change risks.
Duke Energy
New Era for Grid Planning in North Carolina?
As H951 sits on Gov. Cooper's desk, the NCUC continued its examination of Duke Energy's IRP with a session on the increasing complexity of grid planning.
Jared and Corin, CC BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia
Modeling Shows Vt. Can Hit Decarbonization Targets Through 2050
Consultants to the Vermont Climate Council modeled GHG emission reductions based on proposed actions from the council’s Cross-sector Mitigation Subcommittee.
Liberty Energy Trust
Massachusetts Considers Approval of LNG Facility in Environmental Justice Community
Clean energy advocates are pushing Massachusetts regulators to reconsider their tentative approval of an LNG facility near an environmental justice community.

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