September 29, 2024

NetZero Insider

Energy Innovation: Policy and Technology
Reports: Clean Electricity Performance Program Killed by Manchin
Opposition by Sen. Joe Manchin appears to have killed Democrats’ plan to incentivize utilities to decarbonize, undermining President Biden's climate plans.
CARB Plan Would Allow Interstate Transfer of ZEV Credits
Car manufacturers selling in states that follow California’s ZEV regulations would be able to transfer ZEV credits among states under a new CARB proposal.
New Analysis Sets Low-carbon Focus for NY Climate Plan
The New York State Climate Action Council discussed an integration analysis toward shaping its final scoping plan by year-end to reach goals outlined in the CLCPA.
Hawaii County Civil Defense
Geothermal Plant Seeks Full Ramp-up After Volcanic Disruption
The operator of Hawaii’s only geothermal plant is working to bring the facility back to full capacity after it was shut down by a volcanic eruption 3 years ago.
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OSW Grid Strategy Must Extend Beyond Current Proposals, Utility Says
Tim Burdis of PJM says transmission upgrade and replacement decisions in anticipation of a skyrocketing offshore wind industry need to be made now.
NRDC Report Predicts a Decline in NJ’s EV Truck Costs
Medium- and heavy-duty electric trucks purchased in 2040 will cost $25,000 less over their lifetime than comparable diesels, says a new NRDC report.
LA Metro
CEC Puts $24M Toward Electric Buses, Trucks
The California Energy Commission granted nearly $24 million to foster zero-emission transit buses, school buses and medium- and heavy-duty trucks.
Dominion Energy
DOE: Atlantic Coast Needs Integrated Transmission Planning for OSW
Offshore wind is often mismatched with consumer demand for electricity; better transmission planning can help avoid curtailment, congestion, report says.
EBC Highlights Trends in Maine, Mass. Solar Markets
The Environmental Business Council of New England gathered industry experts to discuss solar market trends playing out in Maine and Massachusetts.
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Environmental Justice Communities are Leading OSW, Advocate Says
Elizabeth Yeampierre with the Climate Justice Alliance says environmental justice communities need to be allowed to speak for themselves on offshore wind.

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