September 29, 2024

NetZero Insider

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OSW Developers See Robust Interest from Lenders
Developers still face challenges to finance offshore wind projects, but lenders are eager to get involved, speakers told the ACPA's OSW conference.
Plug Power
Fuel Cell Maker Plug Power Has Global Ambitions
Plug Power says it has the technology to build large fuel cell systems and power them with green hydrogen from a fleet of factories it is now building.
Secure Futures Solar
Overheard at REV2021: Cattle, Crops, Bees Trend in Agrivoltaics
Beekeeping, crops and cattle grazing represent opportunities for agrivoltaics, panelists at the annual Renewable Energy Vermont conference said.
Electrify America
Installing EV Chargers in California is Slow, Costly
California needs a big scale-up to 1.2 million public EV chargers by 2030, but building charging infrastructure has been painfully slow, developers say.
Musashi1600, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
Hawaii’s HART Gets $7M in Legal Funds for Land Dispute
Hawaii's HART was granted an additional $7 million in legal funds to aid in a dispute over a parcel of land needed for its 20-mile light-rail project.
Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
‘Fix Our Climate’ Earthshot Prize Goes to Hydrogen Tech Firm
The inventors of the “first scalable electrolyzer" for green hydrogen say they will begin mass production after winning a $1 million Earthshot prize.
Report: Planned OSW Assembly Ports Will Only Meet Half of Demand
A 1-GW OSW project can use up to 54 acres of port space over two years, according to a report by energy policy analyst Sara Parkison.
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Offshore WINDPOWER 2021 Conference Briefs: Oct 13-14, 2021
Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides said that forward momentum on new lease areas “is a great exciting announcement."
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OSW Vessel Supply a ‘Generational Opportunity,’ Expert Says
Meeting the Biden administration’s 30-GW offshore wind goal by 2030 will require investment to spur construction of wind turbine installation vessels.
Ørsted A/S
Maryland Offshore Wind Plans Draw Enthusiasm, Controversy
Offshore wind developers are starting to make good on their job-creation promises, but that hasn't ended opposition to their projects.

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